by Jake Durtschi | Jun 25, 2021 | Owner Education, property management
If you have not already checked out our comprehensive report that identifies the market trends in the Idaho Falls rental market, we would love to get you a copy. It shows you what you need to know as an investor, particularly when it comes to multifamily rental properties.
by Jake Durtschi | Jun 18, 2021 | Owner Education, property management
At Jacob Grant Property Management, we know that investors can make better decisions when they have access to reliable data. We’re here to bring you that data and help you grow your investment portfolio. Our experience and leadership in the Idaho Falls rental market allows us to share what we know so you can apply it to your own rental properties.
by Jake Durtschi | Jun 11, 2021 | Owner Education, property management
A study commissioned three years ago showed that over 60 percent of most landlords owned only one rental property. When you consider that rental homes can provide cash flow, appreciation, diversification, equity growth, leverage, it seems like settling for one rental...
by Jake Durtschi | Jun 4, 2021 | Owner Education, property management, Uncategorized
Investing in Pocatello real estate is one good way to earn short-term rental income and long-term returns that lead to passive income and a diverse financial portfolio. There are a lot of options when it comes to choosing a property. How do you know which one is...
by Jake Durtschi | May 21, 2021 | Owner Education, property management
Pocatello rental properties make excellent investments. Most investors understand the benefits and the rewards, but it still feels a bit overwhelming to buy your first property. If you’re just starting out as a real estate investor, the best thing you can do to set...
by Jake Durtschi | May 14, 2021 | Owner Education, property management
Always talk to an Idaho Falls property management company before you make any investment moves. We can talk about how the current market and our future projections will impact your plans and your own portfolio of properties. It’s the best way to make smart decisions.