6 Reasons Investors Prefer Jacob Grant

1. You’ll Discover Money You Were Leaving on the Table.
Most real estate investors and property owners have opportunities to grow their revenue in ways they’ve never even considered. Why are they missing out?
Because they buy and manage their rental properties like traditional landlords.
At Jacob Grant, we help our clients make smarter investments in properties and run them like strategic, long-term businesses — rather than like typical landlords. As you’ll read in our success stories, we’re always coming up with solutions to improve how your properties operate and drive up your long-term cash flow and property values.
2. You’ll Make Better Use Of Your Time — While You Keep Your Finger on the Pulse of the Key Performance Indicators of Your Business.
Our clients love our:
- Detailed accounting — full transparency down to the individual invoice
- Clear, proactive communication on important issues, such as upcoming vacancies.
Both of these practices allow you to stay as involved as you want in strategic decisions. Yet, you can avoid the stress and time of day-to-day management.
And if you’re interested in real estate investing, Jacob Grant takes the time to understand your vision. Then we take care of all the time-consuming legwork for you — from identifying properties, to negotiating the sales, to managing them for you. You’re setting yourself up for turnkey passive income.

3. You’ll Create More Predictable Results and Lower Your Risks.
Most property management companies avoid expenses to give you short-term returns. Unfortunately, this can trigger a downward spiral. When you defer maintenance:
- Your properties begin to look run down. (They’re deteriorating.)
- Your quality of renter gradually goes down.
- You start noticing more issues with renters, such as spikes in turnover and evictions.
- The amount of income you bring in plateaus or even decreases.
- Your long-term wealth potential drops significantly.
As with any savvy business, we believe expenses should be managed, not avoided. With strategic planning and budgeting, your returns become much more predictable, and you can improve your long-term property performance.
We’re proactive and preventive in maintenance. Maintenance stabilizes value and enhances your revenue opportunities. You can expect us to conduct semi-annual Equity Evaluations on your properties. We also proactively recommend long-term, high quality maintenance improvements to increase equity in your properties.
4. You’ll Benefit From Best Practices, Giving You an Edge Over the Market.
At Jacob Grant, we’re continually looking for ways to improve our processes, so you can increase your cash flow and better manage your risk and liability. We’ve pulled and honed best practices from a variety of businesses.
For example, one of the best practices we follow is to always look for ways to unbundle services from rent. This can improve your cash flow by up to 50%, and it provides more transparency for your customers (your tenants). We’ve unbundled utilities, landscaping services and bond levies from rent.
Most property management companies keep all services together for accounting simplicity. In doing so, however, they’re missing income opportunities and leaving your money on the table.

5. You’ll Offer a Great Experience to Your Customers (Your Tenants), Which Pays Itself Forward.
Forward-thinking businesses are committed to building loyal customers. Likewise, we’re committed to improving the customer experience for your tenants.
When you improve your properties and treat them with respect, you attract good, loyal tenants who are willing to pay for a better living experience. Just as important, you lower your customer acquisition costs and bring in higher rent revenue.
It’s a win for everybody.
6. You’ll Rest Easy We Share Your Vision: Consistent, Long-Term Returns.
You want a partner you can trust with your vision. Someone who isn’t just thinking about today, but who’s looking out for your cash flow and property value 10 years from now. Someone who wants to lift the burden on your time, so you can live the life you want.
We understand, and we’re here to bring your vision to life.